
Clothes mother nature would approve of

How it works

Each item in our database is given a rating between 1 and 4 trees
Each rating is based on comprehensive research
with regards to:

Labor practices

We compile as much information about the labor practices brands use in their production facilities. These include workers' access to fair/living wages, their safety conditions, the right to unionize, worker demographics, etc.

materials sourced

We don't just look at the materials used in the production of a garment. We also try to find where the materials were sourced, if they were procured organically and at a fair price, as well as travel time from place of origin to production to distribution.

chain of production

Although it may pass through many hands to get from raw materials to finished garment, we try to gather as much information about every stop on that journey to ensure that its impact was considered every step of the way.

Get informed

See what the New York Times has to say about Consciously,
or what we have to say about your favorite brands

New York Times Review

"Consciously takes the work out of being an informed consumer. Ignorance is no longer an excuse for supporting unethical clothing manufacturers. "

Brands to stay away from

Not all clothes are created equally.  In fact, most of the clothes in your closet support child labor. If you're trying to stay away from clothes made by children, here's some brands to be weary of.

Just install and We'll do the work for you

Step 1:

Download the extension above or below

Step 2:

While you shop, Consciously will automatically scour through it's database to see if any of the items you're viewing have been rated.

step 3:

Consume! Consciously of course ;)